Test Prep-CoGat….
We have a 100% success rate in preparing students for the tests listed below:
- CoGat
- Math Rocks
- AMC Olympiad
Most of the above exams are part of the entrance process for students who have been identified as potentially gifted and talented. The test measures students’ reasoning abilities in the three areas that are linked to academic success: Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. We have a team of specialized teachers who work on these areas. Our students keep progressing towards higher grade challenges that are beyond the scope of their current grade, helping them in being more adaptable to higher difficulty levels. This in turn helps them score well in these tests.
Grade (1-2) | Grade (3-4) |
Worksheet 1 | Worksheet 1 |
Worksheet 2 | Worksheet 2 |
Worksheet 3 | Worksheet 3 |
Worksheet 4 |